
Do Beehives Have To Be Registered In Ohio

Depending on the size of your holding, by keeping 6 or more colonies of bees, y'all may be able to considerably reduce your property taxes.

What is usually referred to every bit an "Agriculture Exemption" is not actually an exemption but rather an alternate valuation of your property based on an agricultural use. If a property is deemed eligible to receive an agricultural valuation, that holding volition receive an ag production value equally the basis for determining the holding taxation assessed, rather than its market value.

In 2012 the Texas legislature amended section 23.51 of the holding tax code to include the "keeping" of a love bee apiary on a property as an agricultural employ that can authorize the property for ag valuation.  This means that a qualifying property would be taxed at a lower rate based on the production value for the agriculture action rather than on the current market value of the property.

"Beekeeping is an agricultural use and shall qualify for agricultural use productivity valuation if used for pollination or for the product of homo food or other tangible products having a commercial value."

(Appraisal Commune Ag Transmission - Williamson County, Texas)

If your property qualified for the ag valuation and so you would be taxed on the value of the agricultural production potential, not on what the belongings could sell for.

Let us say that you own 10 acres almost Round Rock, Texas that has a market value of $100,000 and the tax charge per unit is 2%. Your yearly tax bill would exist $2,000.

If you lot kept an apiary of eight honey bee colonies that qualified your belongings for ag valuation, and the production value for bees in your surface area is $1,000 per acre, then the production value for your property would exist $1,000/acre times ten acres which equals $10,000.  Your taxes would exist 2% of $10,000 which equals $200 per year, a savings of $1800 per year.

Requirements for Texas Ag Valuation

There are 3 main requirements for your holding to authorize for ag valuation in most counties in Texas.

ane. Acreage Requirement

Property must be at least v acres and non more twenty acres.  If a homestead exemption is claimed, this will generally remove one acre from the amount needed to qualify, so half-dozen acres would need to be owned to qualify for the ag valuation with a dwelling house on the property.

ii. Intensity of Apply Requirement

A minimum of 6 colonies is required for the showtime five acres, and and then 1 colony must be added for every two acres* up to twenty acres.  For example, if a property owner has xv acres of land used for beekeeping, 11 colonies would be needed to qualify the belongings for the ag valuation.

First five acres six colonies
Additional 10 acres 5 colonies
Total colonies required 11 colonies

*Most counties require an additional bee colony for every ane.5 to 2.5 acres across the first 5 acres.  Cheque with the county appraisal district in your canton for specific requirements in your surface area.

3. History of Utilise Requirement

Property owners must constitute a five-year history of "qualifying" ag use, such equally beekeeping, earlier the holding will qualify for ag valuation.  The owner will demand to document that the apiary has been operated "for pollination or for the production of other tangible [beehive] products having a commercial value."

Nosotros Tin Help!

Nosotros have over 40 years of beekeeping experience.  Allow the states equip and guide you in "keeping" honey bees on your belongings.  If you are non up to "keeping" bees for yourself, our beekeepers tin establish and maintain your apiary that can qualify your property for ag valuation.  We work with many county appraisal districts in cardinal Texas and can brand sure you are managing and documenting your apiary to qualify you lot for ag valuation on your holding.

Do Beehives Have To Be Registered In Ohio,


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